
Apply to join open projects as an AI Trainer

map of world with markers for pareto employees

How can I become an expert?


Fill out our general interest survey

Apply to join our network of expert-vetted labelers. We'll reach out if we think you're a good fit for our community and our project opportunities!


Complete our screening process

We'll notify selected applicants about upcoming projects based on their expertise. If you are selected, get ready to showcase your skills through a fully paid trial.


Start earning!

Get paid twice a month and enjoy competitive (we mean it) pay for your hard work! We offer paid training to familiarize you with the tasks you'll be working on and tools you'll be using.

What can you expect when working with Pareto.AI?

Industry leading pay

Industry leading pay

Earn industry-leading pay. Get compensated for each completed task or hour you have worked. We offer payments twice a month, ensuring you get compensated on time and transparently.

Flexible hours

Flexible hours

Our project-based, remote, and flexible work arrangements allow you to train AI without compromising on other aspects of your life. You can work on projects alongside your full-time job as a supplemental income source.

Meaningful work and transparency

Meaningful work and transparency

We handpick projects that align with your expertise and interests. This tailored approach ensures you're engaged in work you truly enjoy, allowing you to give your absolute best to projects that resonate with you.

Develop your skills in AI training

Develop your skills in AI training

We help you develop your skills as an AI training expert across various projects, providing clear and prompt feedback. We encourage you to continuously improve your skills, ensuring you create an impact on the next generation of AI models.

What our experts have to say

Baobao Tian, Data Analyst

Baobao Tian

Data Analyst

"Working with Pareto.AI's Project Managers and mentors has been a truly enriching experience; their kindness and support are unparalleled. Professionally, my tenure here has significantly deepened my involvement in AI, providing a robust platform for growth."

Gilbert Kamau, Data Scientist

Gilbert Kamau

Data Scientist

"At Pareto.AI, labelers are valued far beyond being just another group of workers. The company demonstrates great consideration for its labelers, actively listening to their needs and embracing individuals from diverse nationalities, genders, ethnicities, and races. Pareto.AI celebrates their contributions and actively promotes inclusivity, ensuring everyone feels appreciated and respected."

Joseph Mburu, Network IT Specialist

Joseph Mburu

Network IT Specialist

"The payout process is efficient, reflecting Pareto.AI's commitment to contributors. Professionally, working here has significantly enhanced my skills, while personally, it has been a rewarding experience. What I cherish the most about being an annotator is the sense of collaboration and continuous learning."

Dr. Morissa Schwartz, CEO

Dr. Morissa Schwartz


"Participating in Pareto.AI's project was an intellectually enriching experience, reigniting my passion for philosophy through engaging discussions with AI. It felt like conversing with a grad school professor, deepening my understanding and appreciation of philosophical concepts."

Knux, Software Engineer


Software Engineer

"I think what sets Pareto apart is that the company does an excellent job of producing LLM training data while adhering to all ethical standards. This is incredibly important to me. Much of the current AI training data is generated without any regard for ethics or user privacy, so it's refreshing to see Pareto maintain strict ethical guidelines."

Frequently asked questions

How flexible are the working hours?


Our platform allows for flexible scheduling, allowing you to choose when and how much you work to suit your lifestyle.

Can I apply from anywhere in the world?


Absolutely! While some projects may have location-specific requirements, we offer opportunities available to all experts worldwide. We match applicants with projects that suit their skills and align with customer budgets.

How will I get paid and how often are payments processed?


Payments are processed on a weekly basis. We disburse payment through PayPal and Wise.

What documents do I need to submit?


We usually ask for a resumé, although we may require other documentation (such as medical or law degrees) to prove expertise for certain projects.

Will I need to sign an NDA (Non-disclosure agreement?)



What types of training or support do you offer to new data experts?


We provide comprehensive training materials and ongoing support to ensure you feel confident and proficient in your tasks. You will also get hands-on mentorship by senior prompt engineers and AI experts.

How are the tasks allocated, and can I choose the projects I work on?


Tasks are allocated depending on researchers' needs, keeping in mind both your preferences and expertise. In some projects, you'll have the autonomy to select specific tasks based on your interests and availability.

What equipment or software do I need to perform tasks?


Basic hardware such as a computer or laptop and a stable internet connection are necessary. We'll provide access to the required software in cases where it is needed.

Apply to become an AI Trainer

Apply to train AI.

Apply to train AI.